Greek Shipping Miracle Maritime Museum

Greek Shipping Miracle Maritime Museum

Greek Shipping Miracle Maritime Museum

Greek Shipping Miracle Maritime Museum

Greek Shipping Miracle Maritime Museum


Greek Shipping History

It is presented the historical retrospection of the evolution of Greek shipping from the 1870s to the 21st century. The research effort consists of twelve chronological units, referring to the most important stations of the Greek shipping. Included – to a large extent – unpublished photographic and archival material.


The Highlights units include historical topics of shipping – descriping the activity and the charity work of Greek shipowners. With the regular addition of new material, different aspects of Greek Merchant Shipping are presented through the space and time.

Global Shipping

This section is dedicated to the international role and results of shipping. It is presented the evolution and basic features of this activity. This is an industry borderless, which encourages cooperation between countries and support the economies of developed as well as developing countries.

Founding Supporters

A significant number of companies and personalities with a long presence in the shipping industry – the Founding Supporters – have contributed to the creation of the Greek Shipping Miracle. They supported this project in a seamless way , which is an educational website and offers to its visitors the opportunity to discover the development of the Greek shipping in the world.

Πρόσφατες Ενότητες

Recent Exhibits

Global Shipping History Sections

Greek Shipping History Sections

Special Sections

Operation Supporters
